Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I appreciate about poetry...

I've always had a love/hate relationship with poetry. Poetry is important to many people in my family, so I want to love it. A little bit is that I'm slightly left-brained, so a bit of me is the person that says, "urg, why couldn't you have just said that?" But also, I'm very, very impatient. I don't like going and trying to figure out what a line means. It's just a ton of work. When I do find the meaning, however, I love it. As I've learned Spanish, I've learned the beauty of language. Poetry is beautiful, don't get me wrong. I think that this unit especially has made me realize that. Thanks Mr. DuBois. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

American Dream

I feel the American dream is fairly simple, really. We all want happiness. We get that happiness in different ways, but in the end, we all want success. We all want to be around the ones we love, whether that is from friends, family, or a relationship. That’s the American dream. We all want to be successful, especially financially, and we want to be around the ones we love. That’s what gives us the most happiness in the world.